
Homosexuality: Judgment comes from God!

(This article was first posted in July, 2015 on my blog: "Inspirations"  republishing here again with some minor changes) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.    Isa 55:8-9 Human beings when they think and act apart from the wisdom and grace of God usually end up being the greatest enemy of humans, even collectively and in democratic situations. Even the choices they make are myopic and detrimental either to them or their children for generations to come.  At a micro level, we disagree with the choices our parents make for us and then we commit worst blunders then them and the repercussions thereof are for generations to come.  Many a times we do not realize the repercussions because of


The recent abrogation of Art. 377 of the Indian Penal Code by the highest court of the land could unleash a great calamity of irretrievable immorality and a cascading effect on the other aspects of life. Every rights of an individual creates new fields of rights and hence no rights can be assigned to an individual without a cascading effect. Therefore any concessions in rights, especially if it involves moral principles that go against the nature of law can have serious consequences. Such consequences may not be instantaneous, and more so, visibly seen with immediate effect. Hence rights based on the objective moral norms are always safe and secure for every individual’s. On the other hand rights that ignore the objective moral norms and standards can lead to serious repercussions in society. It is unfortunate, in a society, that we are now becoming more and more subjective, in the name of inclusiveness and moral subjectivity. The recent Supreme Court Judgment on Abroga